***For same day appointments or within 12 hrs please call the clinic! We also ask that new patients, or those returning after 3 or more years, call or email the clinic to book in as we need to get information from you.***

Click here to book online! Mah Chiropractic Online Scheduling

Book an Appointment

Phone : 403.241.1886

Email : office@mahchiropractic.com

After Booking

Please fill in the details and submit the following form. We will contact you via phone or email and schedule a time.

Please fill out the consent and admittance forms and bring them with you to your appointment. If you have any questions about the forms please call or email the clinic.


There is a lot in the front and back of the Edgemont Athletic Club. After 4:30pm parking can be at a premium, please plan accordingly as it may take you a few extra minutes to find a spot. There is also street parking across the boulevard from the club.


From Dalhousie LRT station you can take the 54, 77 or 429 routes and be dropped off right in front of the building.


We are located inside the Edgemont Athletic Club. Upon entering you will be asked to sign in and present ID by the fitness club. This is a private facility and we ask that you comply with their request. This may take you a couple of minutes during peak times so please plan accordingly.

Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment, please give us 24 hours notice. Otherwise, your account will be charged the price of your missed appointment. Thank you for your understanding.

*A New Patient appointment is required for all new patients to Mah Chiropractic Clinic and these appointments are approximately 45 minutes long and include assessment and treatment.

*A Reassessment appointment is required for patients who have not been treated at Mah Chiropractic Clinic within 3 years of their last appointment. This includes assessment and treatment.

*All outstanding invoices or treatment costs are due at the time of next appointment.